Early one weekday morning,
While many folks were still dreaming,
I took a look through a window at a vantage
And had time to see nature's divine heritage
I saw the trees and felt the breeze
Nature sang to its creator with so much ease
But then, one of its elements seemed to say
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
All of what you see was given birth,
We all are products of our maker's desire
We all and those of you who respire.
There were different days for each of our coming forth
Check the Book; you'll see I came on the fourth.
Now, though in your eyes I rise and set,
I am fixed at this point never to fret.
So, get the message I give to you
Use it and live your life anew.
There's a reason you can stare me in the face now
That's because it's not day but only dawn.
But I challenge you to give it a try
If your eyes won't get dry.
As you see, you'll understand why the scriptures didn't lie
That the path of the righteous is like a shining sun,
Which shines brighter and brighter till a perfect day is done.
Who then despises the day of little beginnings?
After all, the end of the matter is greater than the beginning.
Here I am, it is written of me in the scroll.
I have come to do my master's will.
Like a champion rejoicing to run his course
I rise at one end of the heaven and set in the other
The heat I radiate can't be denied either
Therefore, let your light shine before all men
That your works bring praise to heaven.
Why else do you think it is said also
That from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same
The name of the Lord is to be praised
Let your life be a reference point
Not one to which accusing fingers point.
Be diligent in the little you have now
When God sees this he will increase you every how…
I think I'll end it here, because I see you can no longer stare."
Then a voice spoke to me…
"what you have seen, write down as a poem
To as many that read it, same shall be blessed.
To him who has an ear, let him hear!"
- © 2002 by 'Bayor Martins
In the beginning GOD. am blessed