Sunday, December 25, 2011

Dear Mr. Sunkanmi

Full-Inn Guest House,
Travellers Route,

Mr. Sunkanmi King,
Ryt Hand Ofada’s Str,
Golden Floor City,


Dear Mr. Sunkanmi,


Compliments of Your season. It’s always a period of the year we look forward to being that it is a time of reunion with family, sharing of gifts and lots of travelling.

This is to formally tender our sincere apologies for the oversight on the part of the management staff of our firm during Your visit years ago.

We felt the need to apologize to You because by virtue of Your visit years ago, all hotels around the globe have a boost in business this time of the year even though most of us forget to give You the credit and a handful of others make attempt to ensure You are not associated with the season.

Thank You for Your understanding.



Full-Inn Guest House & Earth’s Hotels



Mr. Sunkanmi King – Soon Coming King; Rev.22:7. He's also making room for us:

"Don't be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am." (NLT, John 14:1-4)

Ryt Hand Ofada’s… – Right Hand of the Father; Eph 1:19-21

Golden Floor City... – Heaven; Rev. 21:21

FullInn Guest House… - Luke 2:4-7

Sunday, December 4, 2011


So he sent and brought him in…And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!”…And so it was…that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.

1st Sam. 16: 12-23


In most cases, when God anoints a vessel, He then sends such a one to a “place of primary assignment”, an avenue for the testing and validation of the election and selection. Joseph, Paul, John and Jesus are just a few examples of this trend we see in the scriptures. So also was David, who shortly after his anointing, was drafted into the service of Saul, the incumbent king over Israel. Though he was anointed for the throne, his first assignment was not to the throne as a leader but a stool in the palace as a servant. One has to learn to follow to effectively lead. His service under King Saul instructs us as to our attitude to work in the marketplace of our jobs.


Anointed for a purpose: to be anointed is to be empowered (Acts 1:8). We are meant to be the solution to the needs of our bosses. The anointed staff rises to the occasion when problems arise. They are more intuitive and creative in such situations. Like David in the anchor text (vs.23), the skill of their hands assuages the pressures on the leaders of the organization.


Self Motivated: they don’t call a pity party because they weren’t acknowledged or commended. They see the big picture. They know when the boss looks good, they look good. They do not allow what they do to affect who they are. They are not looking for a personal relationship in a public place.


Action oriented: they solve the problem without commenting on the cause. David played his harp when the need arose. He didn’t talk about the faults in Saul. Some people have talked themselves out of their jobs. Think more, talk less. David did his job and let them talk about it (vs. 18).


Focus: the main reason you were employed should be a goal you seek to justify and even surmount always. Excellence and dexterity on the job is a ministry and witness on its own. Money isn’t the reason you are there, it merely funds the reason.


Change agent: a plane soars through the wind as long as the cabin pressure is kept at par. It’s risky to let the environment you work in to influence you negatively. Allowing what you are meant to feed to become the one feeding you is a break of order (Gen. 3:12). Avoid the counsels that are not compatible with where you are headed.


(Inspirations: Bishop T. D Jakes, etc)


Friday, December 2, 2011


There was so much excitement in the air as people from all over the country and around the world converged at the Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos that night. Apparently, those who had come the year before couldn’t resist coming again. Though scheduled for 7:00pm, the venue was already alive way before noon with some people arriving as early as 5am.  Early as it seemed, the security operatives were already at work at the gate, the cleaners were tidying and arranging the chairs while the food-vendors were putting up their stalls in preparation for the demand soon to ensue from attendees of The Experience 2010.

This event perhaps means different things to different people. To the hawkers selling whistles, handkerchiefs, sausages, souvenirs and lots more, the event would be a promising market. To the technical guys, it meant lots of cables and tons of equipment to move around. The medical personnel, musicians and ushers might simply just call it too much work. But I’m sure that for many, it is indeed an experience of a lifetime, happening every year.

With some help from a guy, Tolu, who I met on the bus on the way to the event, I arrived in good time myself to see how everything came together. We had a feeling of what was to come as the guest artistes began to sound-check their instruments and equipment. From around 11:50am, Israel Houghton, Mary Mary, Judy Jacobs and Don Moen took turns to get their preferred set ups for sound.

By noon, most of the people around started to leave the open space into the shades to find solace from the sun that seemed to be ‘smiling’ a little too much for comfort. The crowds began to gather in again at around 3:30 – 4:00pm and the air was already alive with an almost steady drone from whistles which seemed to be everywhere as much as were white hankies. Moments later, a resounding blast came from the vuvuzela’s as a sort of echo to the sound from the trumpet of Phil Driscoll as he checked his microphone for appropriate delay. Micah Stampley and Papa San also showed up for their sound checks and by 6:45pm, one could tell that the crowd was ready (and slightly petulant) for the program because by this time, the vuvuzela’s and whistles were in a literal sustain for minutes and the excitement in the air was so thick, you could touch it. I had changed my seating position to a more vantage location when I got the access tag for preferred sitting and was somewhat closer to the stage. Though not so close to the speakers, the thump from the subwoofers sent shockwaves through the ground that you couldn’t just hear the music, you could feel it. There were lots of hugs and greetings in the VIP section which suggested that the meeting was a sort of reunion for many as it was a vacation or retreat agenda for others. I got to see and meet several familiar faces and skillful musicians amongst whom were Nathaniel Bassey and Ayo Solanke.

At 7:00pm, several slides ran across the screen just before Victor Oladokun came to give the opening prayer and introduced Chosen Treasure featuring Timi Dakolo. There was a surprise appearance by Lionel Peterson with the song “Peace” and then “Kabi o osi o”. The next artist came up at 7:40pm and with his appearance, came the emergence of white hankies all over the place. Sammie Okposo kept the stage electrified for about 20mins followed by Mike Aremu after a session of prayers for the nation. Mike’s performance wasn’t without his unique African touch on the saxophone as he sang songs like “e ti mu mi gbagbe o, ibanuje igba kan” (You have caused me to forget the sorrows of the past). The song was timely and a perfect tune to usher in the session of prayers that followed.

By 8:45pm, one of the prominent names in Nigeria’s gospel music came up and saw the crowds singing almost all his lines for him…including musical interludes. It was obvious that the music of Panam Percy Paul hadn’t dwindled in grace as his performance, which featured Jerry Omole and Ahide Adum, brought back lovely memories because obviously quite a number of people there present grew up listening to his music. About thirty minutes later, Governor Fashola came up after the intro by the convener, Pastor Paul Adefarasin. The governor appreciated different groups of people present ranging from all the mothers to the cleaners and ushers.

Like a movie playing out in real life, the artists continued to emerge and I felt like I was watching TBN but this time, I was in the television! Micah Stampley and Bishop John Francis came back to back as they paved the way for Chevelle Franklin who also thrilled the already excited audience with her Raga version of the National Anthem. Her rendition led to another session of prayers by Pastor Taiwo Odukoya and Rev. Dr. Felix who prayed for Families and Miracles respectively. Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor came up right after Fred Hammond who owned the stage for about forty five minutes. His performance seemed to have a story line to it…to say the least.

Pastor Paul came up again at about midnight and was joined moments later by Phil Driscoll who sang and played to the National Anthem alongside Onos. That moment was memorable especially because of a face that came up on the screen of a woman in tears as she sang the anthem. The crowd went agog moments later as the next person, dressed in one of the many varieties of the Experience T-Shirts, took the stage via media – President Goodluck Jonathan. His brief talk drove home the point that being Nigerian meant possibility and greatness amongst other things.

Judy Jacobs came up and Ron Kenoly was next in line doing most of Nigeria’s indigenous worship songs including “I just want to say” and “Jehova, You are the most high”. Both performances were interspersed with prayer sessions by Pastor Damilola Oluwatoyinbo and Pastor Sam Adeyemi for the Youths and the Capacity for Vision respectively. Israel Houghton, Mary-Mary and Papa San came in a successive fashion with comic relief performances from Comedians like Mc-Abbey, Yaw and Gordons in between. As the day’s event rounded up, the traffic outside the TBS gave an idea of the crowd that was in attendance.

Though a year already, it seems just like yesterday. As another episode comes up today with viewing centers across the globe. It’s surely a place to be because amongst other things, experiencing the Experience leaves you experienced!

-‘Bayor | More Resources | Connect with Bayor

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


But now, God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as he pleased.

1st Cor. 12:18

A woman was given a beautiful wind chime which she admired so much. She put the gift, designed for the open, in her house and occasionally would run her fingers against it to get it going in gracious chimes it wasn’t able to produce on its own because it was in the house. After a while, she let go of her attachment to the gift and hung it close to the door in the foyer. And so with every passing of the wind, time and again, the chime would sing in its dulcet tones to inform all who cared to know that air was in motion. It was now serving its purpose and the manufacturer would indeed have been pleased. With the passage of time however, the voice of the chime began to wane as age took its toll. It was then taken out from the open and like a veteran being laid to rest, it went back into the same case from where it was revealed to the world, leaving behind its position on the porch for the new chime that now must be bought to fill the currently glaring vacuum which would never have existed had the chime not been released into its purpose. Howbeit, the new chime now has a benchmark to relate performance to. It can only be better and not be any less else it would be seen as defective.

 There are no two exactly alike human beings on earth. We were all made with a unique mold and like the chime in the story above, there is a purpose we were created for. We are meant to find and die fulfilling that same task. Jesus walked the earth as a man of purpose. He found what was written about him and died fulfilling it. (Psalm 40:7-8, Luke 4:17-18) Your purpose is that one thing that the world will always remember you for even after you are long gone. Your purpose is closely related to your natural gifts and tendencies. It is that area or field of endeavor where people show you the greatest regard and respect. Your purpose is fueled by passion and when you are passionate about something, you won’t mind doing it for free even if it costs you. It’s something you can do for fun and still earn money. Like Moses who was grieved by the maltreating of a Hebrew slave, those things that frustrates you the most when poorly done are pointers to your purpose. You usually lose track of time when you are doing something you are configured for, something that speaks of your purpose. People are most likely to always meet you for help in your area of purpose.

The extent to which purpose is fulfilled in one generation serves as the yardstick for the coming generation because the glory of the latter is meant to be greater than that of the former. We move from prosperity to posterity when we give our best in and during our time because those coming behind start from where we stopped. Find your purpose and fulfill it. Let it be your one point agenda.

(Inspirations: W2W Magazine - HOTR Lagos, etc...)

Monday, October 31, 2011



Brands were initially used by cattle owners. It was that which identified one owner’s cattle from another’s.
A brand is recognition, differentiation, distinction etc.

A brand adds value to a product higher than the collective value of the components that make up the product.


It’s not what you say about yourself, it’s what people say about you.

It’s not what you say, it’s what you do.

It’s not what you do once in a while; it’s what you do consistently.

It’s not what you do, it’s what you create.

It’s not the logo or colour, it’s the service.

It’s not what you associate yourself with but what people associate you with. It is their perception of you.

You are already a brand. People make associations when they think of you. What comes to people’s mind when they think of you? There is no ‘brand-less’ person. (even a ‘no-brand’ product is still a brand!)

If you don’t brand yourself, people will brand you. Take charge and define yourself.


A promise fulfilled

A perception guaranteed

An experience delivered

An association ensured

Beyond information and knowledge, let your brand give an experience e.g. Coca-Cola...Open Happiness.


Find out three to five words that define you e.g. excellent, hilarious, efficient, caring, consistent etc

Ask from friends what words they would use to describe you. A brand undefined is hardly sustained.

Let your core values show up in everything you do. i.e. let everything you do be saying one thing. The strength of a brand is in its consistency. Let it meet a need. If a brand does not meet a need, it’s not needed. The need could either be real or perceived.

What needs do you address? What problems do you solve? What questions do you answer?

Be diligent, be consistent, be relevant, be innovative, be you!

Presented by Dr Temi Odejide at the 7th Anniversary Meeting of Creative Concepts Int’l tagged “Strategic Repositioning for Relevance”. 30th October 2011.

That's a fragment of what he said; much of what I jotted down.
In line with what he said, please kindly define me with three to five words.
Thanks already!
- 'Bayor

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


And Moses said to Joshua, “choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand with the rod of God in my hand.”

Exodus 17:9

Queen Esther is a character in the Bible that epitomizes the workings of God’s favor on an individual. She rose from being an unknown orphan to being the First Lady over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia. She was lovely and beautiful (Esther 2:7) and the story of her rise to the throne is strewn with deeds that instruct us about some other qualities She exuded apart from her beauty. One of such qualities was her submission to authority and teachable nature. She pleased Hegai, the custodian of the women and found favor with him. He thus made beauty preparations readily available for her regardless of the fact that she was already beautiful. She not only subscribed to the beauty preparations which lasted for a year but would not take from the ornaments made readily available for the young women save what Hegai advised. This endeared her to many. Similarly, after she became a queen and wanted to go into the courts of the king, she didn’t go in wearing sack clothes of fasting but in her royal robes. The thing to note here is that as kingdom citizens, our approach to issues in our lives should be from more than one aspect. Some believers seem to think that once they have prayed, everything will just automatically fall in place. They are like the woman on fire for God who binds every demon intending to destroy her marriage and yet unlike Esther; she fails to put on the royal robes of virtue and beauty preparations to keep her man always attracted to her. Or the brother, who believes God for a contract and with much fasting and praying, goes to the office without a standard or well spelt out proposal that can capture the attention of any investor.

Moses spoke to Joshua in the text above to choose men to go fight while he stands with the rod of God in his hand. The modern day believer is meant to be adept in not only the spiritual matters but also in the physical too. King David’s “CV” included being a well spoken fighter and handsome musician. Every quality he had, filled the recommended profile for the vacancy. Use everything you have. Service all the aspects that make up the person you are. You never know what other thing will be required to get you doing what God intended for you to do with the gift he put in you. You don’t service your weapons on the battle field; you get them ready before take off even if you think you won’t need them. Strike a balance, approach issue from more aspects than one.

- ‘Bayor

(Inspirations: Pastor Paul Adefarasin, Bishop T.D Jakes…etc)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


A musician playing skilfully without an audience listening is merely rehearsing.

A public speaker speaking in public to no one in particular would be a rather queer sight.

Famous people have fans, wealthy people are envied, tyrants are feared, and the successful are admired.

But there's a whole new definition of greatness, such that sees grace on the unlikely, glory on the unsung, virtue on the voiceless and fame on the faceless.

They are those that celebrate stars before they begin to shine and applaud the diligent before they know they could perform.

Howbeit, sometimes, it's not the one they cheer on that deserves the spotlight because only the truly great sees and indeed inspires greatness in others.

I prayed and asked God, "Why are the words to really appreciate uncommon people so common and few?

Couldn't there be more words than mere 'Thank You' to appreciate those that are such blessings to me?"

He answered, "Few Words + Much Heart = True Gratitude"

This is to say 'Thank You' for being You.

If I decide to mention everyone that has been a blessing in diverse ways, then this write up might end up being an epistle.

I will nonetheless want to appreciate several people as the names come to mind for all you are, all you do and especially all you did as regards the huge success of the book and album launch held today, 21st September 2011 which also happens to be my birthday. Please note that this list isn’t really exhaustive and might be updated over and again.

Pastor GoodHeart (Thanks for also being a friend to me) & Pastor Bimbo Ekwueme, Pastor Uche Aigbe (Thanks for your prayers), Pastor Dr. Temi Odejide (Thanks for also being a Dad to me), Pastor Akin Olumodeji (Thanks for always being real & down to earth), Pastor Edbert Abebe (your prayer sessions are much enjoyed), Pastor Dr. Chinedu Nwosu (Want to sing like you when I grow up), Prof. T. Ade Martins (You are a noble Dad...and that’s an understatement. Thanks for being both a biological and spiritual father) & Mama, Sir Lucky Omoluwa (you’re a father indeed) & Mrs N. Omoluwa, Barrister Dipo Onifade (thanks for your understanding and simplicity); Nathaniel Bassey (God hears your prayers over me sir), Tehillah Company (you make it easy to connect to heaven in praise and worship), Temitope Olorunmoteni (thanks for being a source of inspiration), Leftob Music Crew, Exalted Horn Crew, Mr & Mrs Tunji Fatogun, Mr & Mrs Samuel Martins, Mr & Mrs Michael Fanwo, Mr & Mrs Tayo Oyebamiji, Deborah Martins, Karis CITH, “Zone 6 Parish” (Erykah, Eunice, Somto, Nanya, Ziva), Julie B, Vivian A, Fola A, Abraham Waya (thanks for the background vocal on the Third Day album track: Songs for YOU), Pastor Fela Durotoye (Thanks for believing in Nigeria and Nigerians), Emmy Pro, Pastor Sam Oye (Thanks for the prayers), Aunty Bisi, Aunty Sola Allyson – Obaniyi (thanks for being you), Mum Jummy, Aunty Jummy, Staff of Pinnacle Investments, Staff of The Centagon International School Abuja, Stevey and staff of Cre8ive Consults, Victor Fash, Mr Hunt, Min. Richard all that received a text to join in prayers, numerous precious friends and media houses. God will thank you for me.

Friday, September 2, 2011


So he sent and brought him in…And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!”…And so it was…that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.

1st Sam. 16: 12-23

David understood spiritual authority. He didn’t try to usurp the king’s throne even though he knew he was anointed for it. He exhibited this and more attributes during his service under King Saul.
Goal: where you are doesn’t define where you are going. When people comment on who they think you are, they are merely describing what they see. Don’t make it your definition. Peter began to sink when he started seeing more of his environment than his destination. Work yourself out of your present position on the job. If you only do what you are paid to do, you’ll keep getting that amount. Work from the future.

People person: learn to work with people publicly that you won’t socialize with personally. God sometimes blesses us via people we don’t even like. Increasing capacity in this facet is seeing situations not just in black and white but in shades of grey.

Way forward: God won’t send you to a job as a problem solver if you would add to the problem yourself. Nobody promotes someone who causes confusion and chaos amongst colleagues.

Team Hermit: work with everybody whilst becoming involved with nobody. If the enemy can limit you to a clique, he can limit your usefulness. Your creativity may be bigger than the clique you are in. Come out of the box if you want God to enlarge you.

Royal Chant: there should be the shout of a king on your inside at always, a place in your heart for God especially when it seems all hell breaks loose. Like David, get artistic when “Saul” gets sarcastic. When you keep your song near you, the devil gets miffed.

Perception: down the line, David knew he had to thread with caution as he saw that he was becoming envied by his boss. He applied wisdom in his behavior and didn’t lose sight of the one that put him there. (1st Sam. 18:14)

God gave us a principle in creation by resting on the seventh day after six days of prior work. The rest is well deserved only when you can look back at what was done and call it “very good”. Give your best. Fit the profile.

- ‘Bayor

(Inspirations: Bishop T.D Jakes, Samuel Martins, Fatogun Martina...etc)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him.

Judges 16:19

At the onset of GSM in Nigeria, the in-thing was to have a mobile phone and Femi wasn’t left out as his mom did everything she could to get him a phone. When he got his first phone, he was quite excited that he could now give out a number to his friends who might ask for his contact. It wasn’t long before he started desiring another model so he traded with his aunty and then exchanged the one he got from her with that of a friend which seemed even better. Then, the phone fell from his pocket in a taxi and a “smart” passenger repossessed it. He now had to settle for his dad’s very old phone which his brother had also used. When this phone started to malfunction, his mum bought a new phone and gave him her old one. He used this one for some time and decided to sell it. When the money was not enough to get another one, he got another from his mom who obviously wasn’t tired of giving him phones. His mom could not bear the look of frustration on his face when that one also was stolen and gave him another which he gave out eventually. His brother gave him yet another and when this one was “sown”, he decided enough was enough and bought one for himself which he’s been using ever since.

King Solomon sacrificed a thousand Whole-Burnt-Offerings on the altar at Gibeon and God asked him what he wanted. His request for wisdom was granted with perks. He brought something to the table and there was an exchange. In the case of Samson, he grew up endowed with abilities. He apparently trivialized the grace and gifting and lost his eyes because of it. One might wonder why he told Delilah his secret seeing that she called for the Philistines every time he told her something else was the source of his might. Perhaps if he had brought something to the table, he would have placed a greater value on the gift he had.

When we pay our tithes and give our offerings, we are making an exchange. We have a right to demand the benefits that accrue from this act when we see a delay in delivery in much the same way as we would call a delivery shop to inquire about a delay in the arrival of goods we paid for. Because we brought something to the table, we have a right to a request. Heaven responds to the highest bidder. (Ever wondered why after creation on the second day, it wasn’t written that “and God saw that it was good” like it was for the day before and after? perhaps He left that for us to decide). If all the students in a class are praying to God to be the head and not the tail, God will answer because they are His own but since He respects no man, He will ‘respect’ the man who gives his best like he did to Abel. All others will fall in place in proportion to their effort (Gen. 4:4).

Need a change? Make an exchange.

- ‘Bayor

(Inspirations: Baron Ogugua, Pastor Paul Adefarasin…etc)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased.

2nd Kings 4:6

A prophet, believed by historians to be Obadiah, hid several prophets and fed them with his own money. It now got to a point in time that he ran low on funds so he went out to borrow money to keep feeding the prophets. When he died, the creditors came for his two sons to have them become slaves because apparently, they were his collateral. What Elisha asked her to do and the outcome of her obedience in belief of his instruction, guaranteed her prosperity (2nd Chronicles. 20:20)

When the prophet asked her earlier of what she had, the reply she gave suggested her disdain of the little that was left. Never despise what you have because God can multiply it. When you seem to be in want, first of all, take a look at your hand: what are you most skillful at doing? Take a look in your heart: what are you most passionate about? Take a look in your head: what are the predominant thought and ideas? Then take a look in your house: what material do you already posses that can serve as a variable for God to multiply? There will always be something left with the intrinsic potential to take you to the next level. When what you have is not sufficient to be called your harvest, then it’s a seed. It’s meant for sowing and not for eating.

The prophet asked her to borrow vessels from all her neighbors. She could only go as far as she had neighbors – your network is you net worth. Shutting the door behind her meant that for every trade, there is a secret which should not be put down. When she started to pour, the flow of the oil continued for as long as it took to fill the capacity she had made available. The capacity set a limit on the extent of breakthrough she could experience. The problem was not with the oil flow but with its destination. Sometimes it appears as though God isn’t answering our prayers for increase while all along, He’s been asking calmly, “where do I put it?” The time interval between the request and answers to our prayers is when capacity should be built. If you want God to put food on your table, leave the table uncluttered. Spiritually, we can increase capacity by fasting, study and meditation in the Word. Exposure and education can increase our capacity mentally. When it comes to financial capacity, we cause an increase when we give or increase the number of causes we finance. Nature abhors a vacuum. Wherever room is made, infilling occurs. Let it flow!

- ‘Bayor – 2009/2011

(Inspirations: Rev. Olumide Emmanuel, Pastor Sam Oye, Pastor Paul Adefarasin...etc)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Missed Call

“Hello mummy”, I said as I answered the phone. “Bayor, it’s me, Daniel”, came the response from a voice I could barely hear or recognize. If he didn’t mention his name, I would have thought it was either a wrong number or a network glitch. In the few seconds that passed before he continued, I tried so hard to reconcile the voice I just heard to the picture of my childhood friend I had in my mind. Though we had not spoken for quite some time, I still knew something was wrong. All these years, whenever I spoke with his mum, I’ll ask about him and his siblings partly because as their dad passed on a few years ago, he was the man of the house. “I’m on the sick bed but there’s something I’ll like to discuss with you” he added. This came quite as a surprise but I agreed and told him I would see him as soon as I could. I was on a journey up north to Kano that day and although I knew I would make a stopover at Kaduna, I knew I would have to really squeeze out the time to see him especially since I knew I was on assignment and didn’t really call the shots as regards my movement.

Being that I left Abuja pretty early, I arrived at Kaduna in time to catch my breath as I awaited the arrival of the guys in the other car who decided to take off some time later than we did. I felt the need to rest for a short while before they arrived and my kip was interrupted when my younger sister came in to announce that the other team had arrived. It then meant that I had subtly made up my mind to see him on returning from Kano so that I won’t be in any kind of rush. The drive down to Kano and the programme logistics were rather demanding that I didn’t remember to call to ask about his well being till much later. When I eventually called, the number never went through. This was the case till I returned back to Abuja and got a call moments later from my elder sister that Daniel didn’t make it. When she gave details of the time he passed, it coincided with the time I was on the road to Kano. I was lost for words at the sudden realisation that the call he made to me was more important than I had given priority to. All of a sudden, I started to see blocks of time that I would have maximized to get across to him. I couldn’t help thinking to myself what it was that he wanted to discuss. Why me? What would I have said? Would it have made any difference?...

I really wish I know what to write to make this post worth the reading but if it makes any sense, the definition I heard from someone of the word “Poor” comes to mind. He said P.O.O.R is an acronym for “Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly”.

Need I say more?

- ‘Bayor

Friday, June 17, 2011


A man of noble character, who can find?

His entire personality reflects his state of mind.

Amongst people of like manner, he may look a bit small,

But when it comes to substance, he’s standing high and tall.

He may not be known by many,

But he surely stands before kings and royalty.

All my life, I’ve watched him closely,

And I've come to discover just recently,

That great men are not just born, they’re raised,

That’s why faithful parents and guardians are to be praised.

Truly a man diligent in his work,

Won’t need to work round the clock,

Before his heart desires are met,

Saving him a lot of sweat.

Rejoice, rejoice o ye noble man,

For your life is in God's plan.

His words are true about you,

Every morning they are new.

You will flourish like a palm tree,

And leap like calves set free.

You will bear fruit in your old age,

Setting the standard as though a teenage.

Ignore what circumstances have to say,

Just rejoice and be glad ‘cause its your birthday.

To you Dad, with lots of love,

Thanks for being a blessing sent from above.

Prof. T. Ade Martins, 17th June, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Press On

The tyre of the car functions better with just the right amount of air pressure.

The sail of the ship needs strong winds.

Why need the Sword of the Spirit if the enemy will fight fair?

Why need the Shield of Faith if there are no flaming arrows in the air?

Paul’s epistles might have been boring without the chains,

Mandela might not have been such an icon in history without the prison.

Needless to say, what would we know about Him without the Cross?

The size of our battles, most often than not, announce the weight of our glory.

So, for those things that seem uncalled for, greater blessings are calling.

Whether the devil likes it or 'yes', you are more than a winner.

Hold On.

Hang On.

Keep the switch of faith turned on.



Monday, June 6, 2011


Dear Miss Round Thingy,

In response to your letter, please know I feel your angst. You see, anyone in your position would feel the way you feel. But you don't have to worry. it’s merely a feature in the "game of life". Permit me to explain:

Everyone will try to control you and make you feel insignificant but don’t forget that you are not there because of them, they are there because of you.

On this pitch, you'll find keepers and players. The keepers aren’t really your friends. They may appear to be diving to your rescue but they are actually keeping you from your goal. Don't be surprised to find your family members or loved ones playing this role. The players on the other hand, will strive to get you to your goal by any means possible. They are there to make you uncomfortable with stagnation and complacency. Even when you try to roll away from them or your goal, they’ll come after you to point you in the right direction. They won’t go easy on you to do this. You'll find that unpleasant situations and circumstances play this role all too often.

I believe in your ability to make it through the game because I had a hand in getting the right amount of air into you. I ensured you had just the right gauge to handle everything that would come your way before you were selected. So, when it feels like players can’t wait to kick you around and linesmen can’t wait to tell them you’ve been kicked out, take solace in knowing that at least one person is concerned about when you’ll be done being kicked about so He can carry you. That’s why I keep looking at my timepiece to see when that moment will come. However, since you are still on the pitch, trust me; you are up to the task!

just keep moving! You have many more seasons and pitches to feature in. The first half of this year may have informed the worry you feel but I am certain that you’ll have an UNBEATABLE EDGE in this second half because I’ll make sure you score LAST MINUTE GOALS. 

Yours alertly,

Coach G. Referee

'Bayor | 06.06.2011 | 13.04.2017 | 13.07.2020 


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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


God took one look and said, “One people, one language; why, this is only a first step. No telling what they’ll come up with next – they’ll stop at nothing! Come, we’ll go down and garble their speech so they won’t understand each other.”
Genesis 11:6-7 (MSG)

A young boy, during an era recorded to have had limited revelations from God, ran to his master three times when he assumed it was the master that had called him. The young boy, Samuel, who later grew to become one of the great prophets of the Old Testament times, had not known God for himself. That’s why it is imperative to submit to spiritual authorities because you will almost certainly hear God’s voice the first time like that of someone you hold in high esteem (1st Samuel 3:1-9).

Two people can’t be said to be communicating if the person on the receiving side has no understanding of what’s being said. We may have found ourselves in situations where either a colleague in the office or a fellow commuter receives a phone call and the interlocutor speaks in a native language you are not familiar with. There is the natural tendency for the conversation to appear as noise and a distraction not because what they are saying is not important but because the language is not understood.

“Come, let’s talk this over! Says the Lord;…” (Isaiah 1:18 Living Bible) God desires that we communicate with Him. When we pray, He hears and most times, He has already answered the request before we had the question (Isaiah 65:24). His answers have been given to us in the form of His Word; the Bible which one might say has been around for the longest time and yet is the least read. It contains our “Mother’s” tongue and understanding it is a key to comprehending the dictates of the Spirit, our Counselor.

In the same vein, when we pray in tongues, we shut out every form of intrusion that may cause our faith to dwindle. Much like using scriptures to pray, speaking in tongues is a means of utilizing the language of the Spirit which leaves the devil and his cohorts dumbfounded because in the spiritual realm, mysteries are being uttered.

The ability of an architect to understand a building drawing is another qualification that makes his/her role unique from that of others involved in the building of a house. A layman would surely find it a daunting task to make a head of the queer looking illustration which has lines here and there, and numbers written at particular intervals.

The Bible contains kingdom parlance and a good knowledge base of it serves us in understanding what heaven is communicating to us and how we are to respond.

Most likely, we can speak our mother tongue but how fluently do we speak "The Mother Tongue?"

- 'Bayor

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.

An experiment was said to have been carried out in the western world to find out the power of words. The research involved a class of young students, divided into two groups and sent into two different rooms. They were to speak over boiled rice which had been kept in these rooms. In one room, they were to say curse words which included “ugly” and in the other they were to say good words which included “beautiful”. The outcome after a number of days was that the rice over which good words were consistently spoken turned out golden yellow in color while that over which curse words were spoken turned dark brown in color. Both portions of rice came from the same source and were supposed to be decaying. The story may either be concocted or real but the truth behind it is in no way demeaned.

In Mark 11:12 – 14, we see the account of Jesus speaking in response to the fig tree which means the fig tree spoke initially by the way it appeared. When Jesus spoke to it, according to Matthew’s account, the tree withered immediately. (Matt. 21:19)

We have the authority to talk back at the things in our lives that are not going the way we want them to. When a work of our hand is not going the way we envisage, it is making a statement directly opposite to what is written in Psalm 1:3b. Every aspect of our lives answer to what we are saying and some of those things are not words but actions and reactions. The way we dress for example is a statement to the world of the worth we place on ourselves. Dress the way you want to be addressed even if you can’t disclose your address yet. Dress for where you are going and how you want to feel not where you are or how you feel. God called us as His children to be thermostats and not thermometers in our surrounding. We call the shots.

This country, Nigeria, is answering to what we the citizens are calling it. Unfortunately, it is sometimes the echo of what foreigners, who do not know Nigeria like we do, are calling it. We are royalty and we ought to be mindful of the things we say because kings don’t make passing remarks, they decree and the subjects enforce it. We have been given the gift of a mouth that cannot be contradicted (Luke 21:15). So, do take care to watch your words because they form your world. We don't just speak when we utter words, we are creating.

Perhaps one of the things that set David apart as a man after God’s heart was that he was wise enough to have prayed to God to set a guard over his lips. (Ps. 141:3). We might want to take a cue from him.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


…male and female, He created them.
Gen. 1:27

Adam says: I want my woman to be quiet, well mannered and not be someone given to nagging. I desire honesty and transparency in her. She should be a good cook, clean and well organized in the kitchen. The fear of God is another virtue I would want. She should be enlightened and not clumsy or portray a lack of people skills especially when she has to welcome guests into our home. She should be teachable and humble, neat and tidy, know how to dress like a sane person – stemming from a true knowledge of what she’s worth; (if she shows all her features to everyone, then what is left for me to see?). She should be down to earth; her ideas of life should not come from a magazine or novel. She should know what she wants, praise me for who I am, give me my space sometimes and tell me what’s on her mind always (am not a psychic). I desire her to be deep, intellectually compatible, and full of virtue and understanding. She should be supportive as the help meet. Simplicity of dressing and makeup is fine by me. She should respect herself, be consistent, not over-demanding, independent financially and able to take initiative. I need her to be there for my children, friendly (even if more wealthy), a good communicator and a hardworking personality. She should brandish an inner beauty of character with a ravishing outward beauty. She should give me the benefit of the doubt and should be one that has past the process of still trying to figure out exactly who she is. She should be given to worship and be fun to be with. She should be cheerful and smart with a priority on being in shape especially after giving birth...

Eve says: He must be a true worshipper of God and a Christian who has a proper reference of love. He should place emphasis on very good personal hygiene – no wet armpits, mouth odors, stinking socks, rumpled clothes and so on. He should be courteous once in a while (what does it take to say “thank you” or “please”?), he should be responsible for his actions (“am sorry” should not be rare in his vocabulary). He should pay his bills and be honest with his income. He should also be smart and humorous, willing to improve himself and acquire more knowledge. I would appreciate him being a good listener, confident and respectable. I can’t follow a parked car – he should be focused and know where he’s going without any confusion about it. He should carry me along and also be teachable; he should not be insecure and unwilling to follow my suggestions because we were both given the mandate to rule and dominate (…God blessed them …Gen. 1:27-28). He should be my friend and shoulder to cry on. He should be intelligent and a good cook…at least to an extent...

God says: Stop impersonating, you’re a god! Be yourself. Be like me and you won’t have any problem. I want better for you than you want for yourself. Rise above stereotypes.

What do YOU say?

 - 'Bayor

Monday, February 28, 2011


Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.”
Genesis 37:9

When it comes to life and purpose, God shows you the big picture, hands you the paintbrush and colors on palette. He then motions with His hand and says “Paint!”
Attaining success isn’t somewhat as difficult as it is to maintain it. The stories abound of quite a number of celebrities and other public figures who have come into limelight for a while and then like a puff of smoke, they dissolve into obscurity whilst the hype of their once budding notoriety becomes history. The bane of most of such celebrities has always been the lack of drive to build on the success attained thus far and seeing it as a stepping stone and not a resting point. It is said that money doesn’t make a man but rather reveals who he is. We don’t attain only to what we want sometimes but also to who we are. We can’t become more than we see ourselves becoming. The enemy of better is not bad but good and the enemy of the best is better. Whatever we have achieved or success we have attained, there is still room for more. Failure is never ending and success is never final. Apostle Paul, in exhorting the Philippians, made them understand the need to keep pressing toward the mark. (Phil.3:14).

The first time Joseph dreamt, his brothers hated him the more. Their initial hatred came as a result of the favor he received from their father. The second time he dreamt however, they envied him. This was an indication that they now believed the dream because as was the case later when Pharaoh dreamt, a second time was a confirmation of the first one he had received and an affirmation that God would surely do it.

Joseph went on to be sold into slavery on account of his dreams yet he never allowed the dream to wane. Temporary setbacks are just that – temporary. It’s risky to make permanent solutions to temporary situations. If he had given up on his dream while in Potiphar’s house, he would have concurred to the advances of his master’s wife. His chaste showed that he knew deep within him that where he was didn’t look like where he was going. Not even the promise of material wealth or benefits could match with the exceeding glory ahead. The popular song “Shout to the Lord” has a line that we need to hang our hopes on such that when we are faced with difficulties, we can affirm to the Lord that “nothing compares to the promise I have in you”.

It’s not over until you win. Keep on living, keep on winning, and keep on dreaming. The sky isn’t the limit, it’s a starting point.