and Amber have been good friends. Justin is not in a relationship at the moment
but Amber has always been in a relationship with Peter and they were engaged
about a year ago.
Justin's part, he just wants the best for Amber because she's like a sister to
him and he believes Peter is suitable for her although Amber and Peter have
been friends before he – Justin, became close to Amber.
Amber’s part, she also wants the best for Justin because he’s like a brother to
her and she had even advised him about the ladies in his office that were his
choices in times past. She gave him tips on knowing what a woman really wants
and how to be more expressive as a friend to the ladies he wanted to have a
relationship with.
confided in Justin sometime ago that Peter isn't really her kind of guy and in
fact she had told him on one occasion that they should part ways for a while.
Justin encouraged her to work it out with him by letting her know that every
man has potential. Justin said this sincerely thinking that perhaps it was just
one of those turbulent times in their relationship. There is hardly anytime
Justin doesn't ask after Peter when he gets to talk to Amber.
other day, while Amber was with Peter, they called Justin just to thank him for
being there for her because she had told Peter about all the times that he
went out of his way to help her when she called for it. Peter lives in another
city and this call was made when Amber went over to that city for a function
being an itinerant consultant herself. Justin believed they were making plans
for marriage already.
the thought of Amber wouldn't leave Justin. He had a feeling something was
wrong. It was then that Justin noticed Amber was a little too quiet and
reserved for comfort especially because she’s a vibrant and bubbly personality.
So, in his usual friendly gesture to his pals, Justin asked Amber what the
matter was. After a while she reluctantly told him she had broken up with
Peter. This came as a rude shock to Justin and he tried to get answers from her
but she seemed to be going through the motions and was unwilling to be too
vocal about it.
see, just last year, Justin had such an experience with a lady and his hurt
drove him to struggle with praying, relating with people and to an extent,
performing up to par at work. Now, he’s seeing his dear friend going through
the same circle and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
this would have been easier if Justin didn’t love Amber that much. She
epitomizes everything he wants in a woman and in fact, in one of their BBM
chats, Amber made fun of him saying “I can see that you love chubby and fair
ladies...” given his choice of women in the past. They laughed this away but if
only she had looked in the mirror that moment, she would have seen that she had
unconsciously become his yardstick for women.
had been searching for "the one” for quite some time and here’s his dear
friend, Amber like the proverbial man in the pool of his own blood who was
helped by the Samaritan. Justin is caught between decisions; he could be the
Priest who passed by the other side or the Levite, who came and looked but also
passed by the other side. However, Justin wants to be the Good Samaritan, not
riding on a donkey but on a horse, not wearing a robe but clad in faded armour.
His armour isn’t shining because he’s had his metal tested and his muscles
heart is racing. He doesn’t want to lose Amber and also doesn’t want to seem
like an opportunist. He respects Peter and wouldn’t want to be the “frenemy”
Peter never knew. He’s trying to motivate Amber to get back on track with Peter
but perhaps she's determined to walk away from the dried brook. He feels guilty
that he wants to have her so early after a breakup that he sincerely thought
was going to end up in marriage. He wants to know what caused the breakup just
to see if he’s qualified to be Amber’s “ideal man” whilst thinking to himself
"will I also end up like Peter?" He nurses fears of being
misunderstood by Amber if he makes his move on her now seeing that she may
still nurse feelings for Peter although all he wants to do is take her to the
clinic on his horse. Unlike the Good Samaritan however, he doesn’t plan to
leave her there. He wants to hang around and be the first face she sees when
she wakes up from this emotional queasiness. He wants to be the doctor at the
clinic and the owner of the clinic which by the way, has no other patients
because it isn’t a hospital but his home...
if you’ve read this long, thank you so much but please I need one more favour;
what would you want to say to Amber? Would it be the same thing you would tell
her if you were in her shoes? Same goes for Justin? What would you say to him?
Would it be different if you were in his shoes? Now, there’s also Peter. What
would be your words to him? These people might just learn from your advice.
Thanks for making them genuine and realistic.
to you...They’re listening.