As this blog has learned in
exploring the meaning behind everyday words, an amazing amount of the context
behind names has evaporated over centuries like morning dew. Here’s
what we know about what it means when you make someone your Valentine. Valentinus was
a relatively common name in the late Roman Empire, meaning “strength.” Words
with the same root include “valor” and “valiant.”
Historical records point to not one
but several Christian martyrs named Valentine. The earliest reference is
to a saint buried on February 14 outside of Via Flaminia, in Italy. Nothing is
known about this saint besides his name. Ancient Rome was a difficult
place to be a Christian. Under the rule of Claudius II,
Valentinus the Presbyter was thrown in jail for officiating at Christian
weddings. Presbyter is
synonymous with “priest” and “elder,” a person in leadership in the
underground Christian community. While he was in jail, Valentinus impressed
Emperor Claudius, who kept him in his company. This arrangement worked until
the emperor condemned Valentinus to death for trying to convert him to
Christianity, at which time he became a martyr for the early church.
Choosing a sweetheart on this day
dates to 14th-century English and French court circles. This fashion is
credited to Geoffrey Chaucer, celebrated author of The Canterbury Tales and
“For this was on seynt Volantynys
Whan euery bryd cometh there to chese his make.”
So what are the implications of
these saints for “Will you be my Valentine?” That you are willing to risk all
for love? We don’t have a definitive answer, and would love to know what you
think. Share your thoughts with us, below.
Source: http://blog.dictionary.com/valentine/
Source: http://blog.dictionary.com/valentine/
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