Friday, November 13, 2015

A Gifted Mind | Tribute To Uncle Gbenga Idowu

I won’t be surprised if certain angels in heaven are already bending over with laughter some moments after your arrival. 
Your sense of humour was in a class of its own. 
Every one of us had a unique name – a name we answered with a smile when you called.

It’s difficult to say exactly what profession you were because though you were an officer diligent to duty, I have furniture in my house that remind me of your skilled craftsmanship and creative genius. 
I have memories of bringing loudspeakers from secondary school to you for repairs. Not only did you fix those speakers, you created a different casing that if I didn’t witness the process in part, I would have joined others in saying you bought a new one for us.

You inspired my drumming by teaching me in a rather unique way that you either know how to do something well or not at all.

The last time we saw, you gave me yet another number to send the monthly bulk SMS to. 
You weren’t trying to encourage me; you simply just believed in me. 
Your action instructed in me a sense of responsibility. 
Thank you.

Gifted hands, humor-bank, creative mind, loving husband, jovial uncle and friendly dad are just a few words that describe you. 

We may not remember all that you were now but as time passes and this wound heals, I am sure memories of you will describe your person a bit more. 

We will remember you and with a smile on our faces too.

You have left behind a VERY SWEET woman and WELL trained children.

Aunty Bisi (Mum Ife) – your very humble wife, Ife and Ike – your brilliant son and pretty daughter are going to miss you a lot more than the rest of us but be rest assured, they have gained a much larger family because of you.

I’ll pause here Uncle. 

Rest well.


Bro Gbenga Idowu was involved in a road traffic accident on Tuesday 10th November 2015. From what we are told, most souls on board the I'll fated automobile lost their lives including our beloved uncle...


  1. Bro Gbenga Idowu was involved in a road traffic accident on Tuesday 10th November 2015. From what we are told, most souls on board the I'll fated automobile lost their lives including our beloved uncle. His remains will be brought back into the FCT today. May the good Lord grant eternal rest to the departed and strength to the family, peace that surpasses all understanding and the determination to move on. This period is a trying period especially for his children but most especially his lovely wife. Bro Gbenga will be fondly remembered for his humor & liveliness but most importantly he will be remembered for his creative & innovative mind, skilled hands & resourcefulness. He will be greatly missed.
    Samuel Martins

  2. Boda Gbenga, when you called me in January this year as "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight", I had no idea...Good night Boda Gbenga, Good Night
    Esther Bunmi Adebitan for Adebitan family

  3. Boda Gbenga, your sense of humor was just unique. Around you, it was impossible not to laugh. Even the way you rebuked triggered laughter. Your hands were indeed gifted hands. You could fix anything. You fixed my phone recently and painfully that same phone I used to receive the news of your passing. I know I will really really miss you.
    Pharm. (Mrs.) 'Ronke Fatogun. Niece

  4. Dearest Uncle, a very unique one indeed. it's difficult to believe you are gone. Childhood memories of how you made us laugh and happy come back to play in my mind. Whenever you came around, we knew difficult tasks were resolved. Your humor was just one of a kind. Sincerely, I still can't come to it that you are gone. I will seriously miss you.
    Bukola Owolabi (Niece)

  5. My father was one of the best dads anyone could have,he had a distinctive style of doing things, a special way of instilling laughter,a stern way of delivering discipline,i learnt alot from him... Like how to get things done by putting your mind to it, how to always get up when life knocks you down, he taught me to avoid shortcuts ,He made it clear there's no other way except Jesus, though he made mistakes...he made it a point to always learn from I'm very proud to have been born into this world through him, I promise to continue from where he stopped and exceed his limits by God's grace...... These words he said to me every time
    Failure and mistakes are not a crime
    With hard work and prayer there'll be no need for resit..... Let this words continue to echo "YOU CAN DO IT"
    Ifeoluwa Idowu - Son

  6. Without any doubt in my heart, I am fully persuaded that you have gone Home to a better place. You were to me the mentor every teenage boy would ever desire or require. You were the personification of "Knowlege for witty inventions". You were diverse in your giftings which you always brought to bear in making life pleasant especially towards your loved ones. You had a large Heart. There was never a boring moment in your presence. Nothing was ever left to waste, as you always saw the “Treasure in Trash”. May the good Lord grant you eternal rest.-
    Otunba Samuel Martins - Nephew

  7. The fact that you are gone - difficult to accept, yet true; very difficult to understand, yet very real.
    God decided it was your time to go. The exit was so abrupt.
    Nevertheless, memories of your funny nature, energy, innovative mind, skilled hands and ingenuity are what we hold very firm to us.
    You are gone now but you will always be fondly remembered.
    Sleep on Boda Gbenga!
    ~ Juliet Adeola Martins-Fanwo

  8. “As I was thinking about writing a tribute to my dad I thought.... How can I say a few words that will do justice to all of the years of love and strength that dad gave us? I hope that the real tribute to dad Will be the actions of my (our) lives ....that we are a testament to the love and lessons that he instilled in us all. We will miss you so much dad. Remain in the bossom of the Almighty till we see again…” Ikeoluwa Idowu - Daughter

  9. Daddy Ife, Olly, Egbon mi, my beloved were indeed a brother a friend and a father. You are irreplaceable. I receive grace to carry on without you because u always encouraged that one has to get up when life knocks u down. You will remain ever treasured.”
    ~Olabisi Elizabeth Idowu (Wife)
