Saturday, September 21, 2019



7 We are like a bird escaped from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped!
Psalm 124:7 AMPC

1-3 It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when God returned Zion’s exiles.
We laughed, we sang, we couldn’t believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations — “God was wonderful to them!”
God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people.
Psalm 126:1-3 MSG

3 To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
Isaiah 61:3 NKJV

 © 21st September 2019 | B.A.Y.O.R | Adebayo Martins

Wondering where the "parry" is at? Click here

I hope you're as blessed by the video below also

How To Build Your Vision From The Ground Up  Q n A With Bishop T.D. Jakes


Thursday, September 12, 2019



The use of words is a Biblical strategy in parenting. The words you speak to your children go a long way in shaping their lives and destinies. Your words create your harvest in every area of life.

Words are seeds and when spoken are planted in your life, your children's lives and destinies. Your children are your crown, nurture them with right words.

i. Speaking Into Their Future
Your words serve as conditioning environment for the potentials of your children. If you want to see their great future, speak positive words to them continually, words that will propel them to achieve their utmost in life.

When you speak, power is released. You must realize that God is waiting to collect and act on your words. (Job 6:25, Numbers 14:28)

Pause for a minute and imagine God actually doing to your children every single thing you said to them and about them. What you say are not empty words.

God takes you seriously; it is high time therefore for you to take yourself and what you say very seriously.

Protect the destiny of your children don't say things that will affect their future negatively. Don't snarl at them.

It is more constructive to speak gently to your children and wards than to scream at them. Hard and harsh words kill something inside a child. Children who grow in harsh environments tend to be timid and portray a lack of self-confidence in their adult lives.

Sanitize their lives and destiny with healthy words and teach them to always speak right words no matter what is to the contrary.

Words are the molding blocks of your children's destiny.

Say only what God says about your children and refuse the tendency to describe or call them by the erroneous things that they do from time to time.

Respond to issues, don't react to them. Reaction to a negative incidence will generate more evil but when you respond, you impose positivity and consequently, subdue the evil.

Words of truth, once spoken, have a way of piercing hearts and minds.

It is immaturity for any adult to stoop to the level of a child's infantile behavior and deal with him or her at that same level. Instead of reacting at the same level, respond from a higher level with love.

On no account should you speak evil, destructive and discouraging words to your children.

Your words serve as conditioning environment for the potentials of your children. Create positive and empowering environment for them by speaking words of prophecy that inspire their hearts and provoke their hidden abilities. Always be positive in your approach to them. What you call your children is what they eventually turn out to be.

Say to your children, "It shall be well with you. You will not be small. You are destined for greatness. You are wonderfully and fearfully made to show forth the praises of your God. You are excellent. The top is calling for you." Continue to call forth the manifestation of the ability that is locked up in them. Inside your child are awesome potentials. Don't despise or look down on any child, no matter his mistakes and errors. Your children are the generation next. Start celebrating them today. Make up your mind to speak them to the peak.

God gave you a precious seed to nurture, don't pollute or damage it by showing wrong words into his/her soul.

Ben Carson is a household name in the world of medicine because his mother kept talking until she saw all she said happen in her children's lives.

Hard and harsh words kill something inside a child.

You must consciously work on your children to weed out every negative seed from their minds. What your children think is what ultimately rules their lives.

Do you even believe in your children? If you do, it will show in your actions and behavior towards them.

You can frame the world of your child by your words.

Someone said,

"Watch your thoughts, they become words,
Watch your words, they become actions,
Watch your actions, they become habits,
Watch your habits, they become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."

As a parent, you are a mentor, monitor and molder. Children are inspired by what you do more than they are guided by what you say.

ii. The Place of Prayer

Prayer is very necessary in building up children; praying for them is a lifetime project.

What is it about your children that you want? Pray it into existence. With prayer you can birth your children into their destinies.

There is no specific time to start praying for them, you can start right from when they are in the womb. Every stage of their life requires prayer, you have to travail in prayer until Christ is fully formed in them.

The prayer you will pray for them at age one can still keep them at age ten.

If you see your children as assets, you will not need anybody to cajole you to pray for them.

Source: Biblical Principles Of Parenting (Chapter 4)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019



Training is the foundation for a child's colourful destiny. The quality of training determines the degree of triumph the child will enjoy in life.

Never see your children as too little to be trained.

Children respond to training right from when they are being weaned. For you to have effective training, it must be done firstly scripturally. You cannot modernize it.

The formative years of a child are very crucial to his destiny and the future of the society to which he belongs. If you fail to shape and mold them at home, the world out there will not hesitate to ruin them for you.

What a child does or says is most times the replay of what he has observed around him. Give him right examples at home or lose him to the pressures of the world around him.

A child's conscience is a clean slate that accepts whatever is written or painted on it, good or evil.

History makes it absolutely clear that it is better to raise children than to repair men. Failure at home results in trouble and vices in the society.

You need to embrace your God-given responsibility as a parent or guardian and trust God to do your own part in raising your children.

No Ready-Made Child
Training takes time and commitment, not done once and for all. Training requires a gradual process of instructions, guidance and exercises. You must be ready to give it all it takes.

As you fulfill your own part, God crowns your effort by making your children a pride to you and a blessing to the society, to His ultimate glory.

A child not trained is a destiny lost. For a child to be traced tomorrow, he must be trained today. Children that are not well raised end up being erased.

The home remains the first place of instruction and child training. Children spend more time at home, so it is important to use the home to lay a solid foundation for their upbringing.

The foundation of every man's training is the home. Great destinies are groomed and rooted in homes; let your children enjoy such advantage.

John Maxwell said that whenever he takes his children for outing; he normally asks them two questions. He asks them about what they liked best and what they learnt. That is an eye opener.

Training Is Mandatory
Training is mandatory and not subject to your convenience. You are ordained a "Trainer" by God.

Whatever will stand the test of time must follow due process.

A child that receives academic training, but lacks home training will be imbalanced and vice versa. Both levels of training are complementary to a child's healthy development.

Home training can only be gotten at home through conscious and deliberate program of training and instructions.

Home training is not assumed; neither can it be substituted with gifts and candies.

The Holy Bible is the Manufacturer's Manual, its concepts and principles serve as guidelines for safety and prosperity in our dealings here on earth. Modifying and modernizing its injunctions will only lead to corruption and destruction.

Procedure For Child Training
i. Live An Exemplary Lifestyle: Children need practical and exemplary training. They pay more attention to your lifestyle than the instructions you give to them. (Titus 2:7-8)

Behave before your children what you want them to become. Be their model.

Six precepts to follow from 1st Timothy 4:12

a. In Words: Your words are forcible, it is not something you toy with. When your children ask you questions, don't shut them down. If you don't know the answers tell them that you will get back to them. And don't fail to find the answer and get back to them.

b. In Conduct: Children pay more attention to what you do than what you say. They are not only listening to your speech they are more than anything else also watching your actions. A child without character has a worthless destiny.

c. In Love: 1st Corinthians 13 gives all the description of love. Love your children unconditionally.

d. In Spirit: Be a Spirit-filled Christian; let your children know you as someone who is led by the Spirit (Romans 8: 4-14). By this they can value, embrace and imbibe spirituality from their childhood even as Christ did (Luke 2:40).

e. In Faith: Impart faith in your children as you live by faith because without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Let them know the place of confidence in God and absolute dependence on His Word.

f. In Purity: If you must see God you must make purity your choice (Matthew 5:48). Be pure from inside out. Children are inspired by what they see, more than they are guided by what you say. Behave before your children what you want them to become. Be their model!

ii. Training Must Be Consistent And Insistent
When you stop training, you start travailing. It is not want to spend your spare time doing, it is what you invest in for a lifetime. Without consistency and insistency there is no moral strength.

Motivation is good but not where decisions that affect their destiny is concerned. Negotiating with your children before they agree to follow you to church shows you have lost your place as a parent and indirectly killed the trust and respect they have for you. No compromise, no negotiation.

You and your spouse must agree on what is right, speak with one voice and act by the same rule towards your children. My husband and I agree on the standards for children's conduct. When Daddy says "No" the children can't get a "Yes" from me. We are consistent. We don't say "No" to a thing today, and come with a "Yes" on the same thing the next day.

Don't bend the rules and don't lower the standards. If you bend, you will blend with them.

iii. Training Must Be Careful And Purposeful
Be a careful and purposeful trainer. Training must be done with all diligence. When purpose is not known abuse is inevitable.

iv. Don't Compromise Standards (proverbs 29:15)
Children are to be commanded to do what is right, not what is convenient. Don't compromise God's Word. You are a trainer and not an adviser or opinion-seeker. Get your children to measure up to the standards of the Word and they will.
When you follow God's command you become a commander.

v. Give Them Your Time
Study and understand their feelings, emotions, temperaments and so on. Every minute that you spend with them is an investment and in the future you will get the dividends.
You need to plan your activities and make out time to stay with your children.
When you don't engage your time with them wisely, satan will take advantage of it.
Every parent, no matter how busy, should create time to be with their children. Don't pursue the world at the expense of your own home.
Make out time, and organize programs of instruction and training for your children.

vi. Discipline Them
If you must fulfill your responsibility as a parent you must stick to Biblical principles of child discipline. The rules for Biblical discipline are consistent and well spelt out.

Discipline without love is oppressive; it produces fearful and hostile children.

Appropriate discipline must be administered according to the child's behavior not according to your mood or some other person's view. Children need to know that every time they are disobedient, they will be punished.

When unconditional love and consistent discipline are combined, they produce children who are emotionally healthy and well adjusted. (Proverbs 13:24)

The child you love, you discipline. Without chastening, love is not complete. (Proverbs 19:18)

Grow them. "No tree grows under another tree"... Let your children grow by your supervision, don't make them dwarfs under you, without taking initiatives.

Always demand apology at any misbehavior, don't pamper them, it may hamper their destiny. If you pamper your children, your hamper their destiny (Proverbs 29:17)

Do you discipline your children or you punish them?

Punishment and Discipline

I want you to understand that discipline as we are discussing here is different from punishment.

While you cannot instill discipline without punishment in some cases, it is possible to punish a child without instilling discipline in the child.

Understand discipline and how to do it right.

i. Punishment is the act or method of causing to suffer for an offence. It is deciding the consequences of a child not following rules. Make it known to your children that they will suffer if they break rules and what they stand to gain if they comply.

When your children commit an offence let them know what they have done so they could feel remorse for doing it.

ii. Discipline here means the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not (Oxford Dictionary)

The child you don't discipline today will make you weep tomorrow. (Proverbs 29:15)
The cry of a child is normal, but the tears of an adult is aberrant. It is better to let your child suffer the constructive pain of correction today than for you to go through the destructive pain of regrets tomorrow.

Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; it takes the rod of correction, not necessarily a physical rod to drive it far from him.

Discipline must be guided by unconditional love. You do it as an act of love for your child. If your discipline is motivated by love, you'll be careful how you administer the rod as well as where, when, why and in what manner and measure.

vii. Give Instructions and Corrections
(Proverbs 13:1 Amplified, Proverbs 23:13)

It is vital that your children learn early in life that there is a consequence for their disobedience and a reward for their obedience.

The construction of great destinies is by instructions. Teach your children to value and take fast hold on instruction because that is where their future lies.

Do not leave your children without giving them instructions and corrections, and ensure that they comply with your rules at every point.

Teach them that instructions and corrections are not burdens but blessings. So, if you don't like the way your children behave, change your attitude and approach with them.

Be Cautioned
Don't always use cane on your children otherwise they will get used to it, and it will therefore have no corrective effect on them any longer. Note that the rod is likened to God's word, when it is spoken it has instant effect. Children are not to be beaten in anger; it does not instill the desired correction. If you are vehement with your child, the enemy will take advantage of you.

You must be careful not to allow punishments result in child abuse. Anyone who does not have control over his spirit is like a city without wall (Proverbs 25:28). Let everything be done moderately. Note that the devil is seeking to destroy the precious but he will not find you.

Tips on Child Discipline

i. Always deal with disobedience as quickly as possible. You and your spouse must be involved in this.

ii. Be in control. Use the right instrument with the right attitude

iii. Don't abuse your child's self-esteem

iv. Have rules, set limits and be consistent to enforce them

v. Don't accept anything wrong as habitual with your child

vi. Deal with your children knowing fully well that they are not insignificant; they are precious gifts from the Lord.

vii. Discipline all your children equally, don't have favorites.

viii. Make sure your mode of discipline will make them have the opportunities which will help them to get the most out of life

ix. As you discipline, show unconditional love and encouragement.

Children are treasures with some measures of dross. Our attempts to remove the "dross" should be guided so that we don't damage or destroy the treasure while trying to refine it.

Importance Of Child Training

i. Training Helps To Enlarge Their Scope
Training is not with Bible stories studies alone. Children need to be exposed to the world around them, the world outside the church. Take them to places that will broaden their outlook in life. It helps to build their self-confidence. Let them mix and relate freely with other children. This will also expose them to social and moral challenges that will build up their character. However you have to watch it so as not to allow any form of pollution in their lives.

ii. It Is Fulfillment Of Your Covenant Obligation
It is your covenant obligation to train up your children in the way of the Lord. This in turn attracts God's attention to you (Genesis 18:19).

Covenant is not what you claim but what you work out to fulfill an obligation. So be a covenant player.

iii. Training Produces Faithful Children
When you follow Biblical principles to train up your children, the end result gives you rest. (Titus 1:6)
The true test of well-trained children is seen when they are out of the home. Just watch how they behave outside and you will know if they understood what you have taught them or not, then get back home to correct whatever fault you have noticed.

Source: Biblical Principles Of Parenting (Chapter 3)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019



1. Godly Seed: God refers to children as seeds (Malachi 2:15)

As seeds, they have the potential for greatness which in turn makes them a delight to their parents.

Seeds create excitement and hold the promise of a future harvest. Godly seeds will produce godly generations (Matthew 13:38).

Your children carry amazing potentials that guarantee their greatness in life if you give them the proper conditions for their growth and development. Your children are your extensions. Whatever God has promised you and is doing in your life are ordained to continue with your children (Genesis 9:9).

God relates to you and your children on the platform of your understanding and walk with Him (Isaiah 59:21).

Children are to be handled as precious seeds (Psalm 22:30).

Agree with God and inspire children to the great destiny he has ordained for them (Psalm 112:2).

2. The Crown Of Old Men: Proverbs 17:6

Children as crowns beautify your life; they are evidences of your input in life. Knowing this should propel you to put in your best in their upbringing. They are your pride and glory as you get older.

3. A Blessing: Hebrews 11:23, Proverbs 10:22

Your children are meant to be a source of joy to you not to be a concern or a liability.

They are God's delight sent to make your life a delight not to ruin it.

4. Heritage of the Lord: Psalm 127:3

Don't be possessive of your children; they belong to the Lord. God only gave you the privilege and the responsibility to birth them.

Every parent and guardian is a caretaker of their children and wards and they will be responsible to God to give account for what whatever happens to them.

If you will relate with your children as "an heritage of the Lord" you will be free from fears and anxieties over them.

God owns the children; parents are only caregivers.

Your children belong to God and He takes care of His own. Leave them in the care of the One who owns them and do your own part. Put your trust in him to keep them especially when you are not physically with them.

5. Prominent Seeds: Isaiah 61:9

The Bible says that your children shall become prominent, not hidden among the Gentiles.

Everyone that sees your children from henceforth will begin to acknowledge them.

His plan for your children is so great that no one will be able to withstand them.

Agree with God's word and commit yourself to work with Him to see His promise fulfilled in your children.

See them as what God says they are, and join with God to say what He said about them to them continually.

Monday, September 9, 2019



Good parenting is the greatest investment you can ever make on your children.

Parenting is a fundamental responsibility of every father, mother or guardian to their children and wards and their success or failure in this duty determines the destiny of our world.

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and it's best hope for the future." - John F Kennedy

 A child not trained is a destiny lost.

Every parent and guardian must embrace the privilege of shaping the future of their children by accepting the task of teaching and grooming them in the way of the Lord.

You are responsible for looking after them and bringing out the best in them. It is a great work, but with God all things are possible.

As a parent you are expected to be a lot of things to your children - a tower of strength, a pillar, a disciplinarian etc. This is because the impact parents, especially a mother, makes in the life of a child are beyond comparison.

The character of an adult is formed through childhood influences. So to have the adult you desire, mould the child that will transform into that kind of adult by following the Biblical principles of parenting.

You must embrace and uphold Biblical principles in your parenting efforts.

What Is Parenting?

Parenting is the art of child-rearing through the instruments of instruction, teaching, coaching, correction and discipline.

Effectiveness in fulfilling the demands of parenting calls for well-defined ethical standards.

Parenting includes caring, training, mentoring and influencing.

1. Caring: to provide what is necessary for someone's health, happiness, sustenance and protection.

Caring also means placing their need above your own as you nurture them.

Every born child craves and desires to be cared for.

2. Training: every child needs training and molding.

Parents are to assume the position of a coach to their children and wards by being models and moulders.

3. Mentoring: a mentor is a trusted counselor, guide, tutor and leader.
In order to guide your children on the issues of life, you need to mentor them.

"A mentor is someone who has had an experience and is using that experience to develop another..."

You are the best mentor your children can ever have, don't leave this duty for another person. The effect your mentoring input will have on your children far outweighs that of another person's.

To mentor them convincingly, give them advice that are practical from your personal experiences.

4. Influencing: be a positive influence on your children. This becomes possible if you are not distant from them. You have to get to a level where your children are free with you because you are involved in their affairs.

You are to develop friendship with them so they can trust you.

The Task Of Parenting

Parenting is work and there is reward for every work, so to reap the rewards, do the work.

The way you raise them will determine the honor they will give you in future.

Parenting begins right from the birth day of the child.

Source: Biblical Principles Of Parenting (Chapter 1)