Saturday, April 16, 2022

#22MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 106 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom | 2 Kings 18 – 19, Psalm 106

#22MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 106 | Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom

2 Kings 18 – 19, Psalm 106

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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  1. He did what the Lord considered right, as his ancestor David had done.
    2 Kings 18:3 GW

  2. He got rid of the illegal places of worship, crushed the sacred stones, and cut down the poles dedicated to the goddess Asherah. He even crushed the bronze snake that Moses had made because up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it. They called it Nehushtan.
    2 Kings 18:4 GW

  3. Hezekiah trusted the Lord God of Israel. No king among all the kings of Judah was like Hezekiah. He was loyal to the Lord and never turned away from him. He obeyed the commands that the Lord had given through Moses, so the Lord was with him. He succeeded in everything he tried: He rebelled against the king of Assyria and wouldn’t serve him anymore. He conquered the Philistines from the ⌞smallest⌟ watchtower to the ⌞largest⌟ fortified city all the way to Gaza and its territory.
    2 Kings 18:5‭-‬8 GW

  4. Isaiah answered them, “Say this to your master, ‘This is what the Lord says: Don’t be afraid of the message that you heard when the Assyrian king’s assistants slandered me. I’m going to put a spirit in him so that he will hear a rumor and return to his own country. I’ll have him assassinated in his own country.’ ”
    2 Kings 19:6‭-‬7 GW

  5. Hezekiah took the letters from the messengers, read them, and went to the Lord’s temple. He spread them out in front of the Lord and prayed to the Lord, “Lord of Armies, God of Israel, you are enthroned over the angels. You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the world. You made heaven and earth. Turn your ear toward me, Lord, and listen. Open your eyes, Lord, and see. Listen to the message that Sennacherib sent to defy the living God. It is true, Lord, that the kings of Assyria have leveled nations. They have thrown the gods from these countries into fires because these gods aren’t real gods. They’re only wooden and stone statues made by human hands. So the Assyrians have destroyed them. Now, Lord our God, rescue us from Assyria’s control so that all the kingdoms on earth will know that you alone are the Lord God.”
    2 Kings 19:14‭-‬19 GW

  6. Then Isaiah, son of Amoz, sent a message to Hezekiah, “This is what the Lord God of Israel says: You prayed to me about King Sennacherib of Assyria. I have heard you.
    2 Kings 19:20 GW

  7. “This is what the Lord says about the king of Assyria: He will never come into this city, shoot an arrow here, hold a shield in front of it, or put up dirt ramps to attack it. He will go back the way he came, and he won’t come into this city,” declares the Lord of Armies. “I will shield this city to rescue it for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.”
    2 Kings 19:32‭-‬34 GW

  8. It happened that night. The Lord’s angel went out and killed 185,000 ⌞soldiers⌟ in the Assyrian camp. When the Judeans got up early in the morning, they saw all the corpses.
    2 Kings 19:35 GW

  9. Hallelujah! Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his mercy endures forever.
    Psalms 106:1 GW

  10. God said he was going to destroy them, but Moses, his chosen one, stood in his way to prevent him from exterminating them.
    Psalms 106:23 GW

  11. He saw that they were suffering when he heard their cry for help. He remembered his promise to them. In keeping with his rich mercy, he changed his plans. He let them find compassion from all those who held them captive.
    Psalms 106:44‭-‬46 GW
