Wednesday, May 4, 2022

#22MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan | Day 124 | The Prophets Before the Exile | Isaiah 58 – 60, Psalm 119 vv. 153 – 176

#22MinuteChallenge | Bible Project Reading Plan

Day 124 | The Prophets Before the Exile

Isaiah 58 – 60, Psalm 119 vv. 153 – 176

Source: Bible Project Reading Plan

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  1. This is the kind of fasting I have chosen: Loosen the chains of wickedness, untie the straps of the yoke, let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke. Share your food with the hungry, take the poor and homeless into your house, and cover them with clothes when you see ⌞them⌟ naked. Don’t refuse to help your relatives.
    Isaiah 58:6‭-‬7 GW

  2. Then your light will break through like the dawn, and you will heal quickly. Your righteousness will go ahead of you, and the glory of the Lord will guard you from behind. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer. You will cry for help, and he will say, “Here I am!” Get rid of that yoke. Don’t point your finger and say wicked things.
    Isaiah 58:8‭-‬9 GW

  3. If you give some of your own food to ⌞feed⌟ those who are hungry and to satisfy ⌞the needs of⌟ those who are humble, then your light will rise in the dark, and your darkness will become as bright as the noonday sun.
    Isaiah 58:10 GW

  4. The Lord will continually guide you and satisfy you even in sun-baked places. He will strengthen your bones. You will become like a watered garden and like a spring whose water does not stop flowing. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the foundations of past generations. You will be called the Rebuilder of Broken Walls and the Restorer of Streets Where People Live.
    Isaiah 58:11‭-‬12 GW

  5. The Lord is not too weak to save or his ear too deaf to hear. But your wrongs have separated you from your God, and your sins have made him hide his face so that he doesn’t hear you.
    Isaiah 59:1‭-‬2 GW

  6. He sees that there’s no one to help. He’s astounded that there’s no one to intercede. So with his own power he wins a victory. His righteousness supports him.
    Isaiah 59:16 GW

  7. The people of the west will fear the name of the Lord. Those in the east will fear his glory. He will come like a rushing stream. The wind of the Lord pushes him.
    Isaiah 59:19 GW

  8. “This is my promise to them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I put in your mouth will not leave you. They will be with your children and your grandchildren permanently,” says the Lord.
    Isaiah 59:21 GW

  9. Arise! Shine! Your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has dawned. Darkness now covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the nations. But the Lord dawns, and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings will come to the brightness of your dawn.
    Isaiah 60:1‭-‬3 GW

  10. “Foreigners will rebuild your walls, and their kings will serve you. In my anger I struck you, but in my favor I have compassion on you. Your gates will always be open. They will never be closed day or night so that people may bring you the wealth of nations, with their kings led as prisoners.
    Isaiah 60:10‭-‬11 GW

  11. “Lebanon’s glory will come to you: Cedar, fir, and cypress trees will come to beautify my holy place, and I will honor the place where my feet rest.
    Isaiah 60:13 GW

  12. “You have been abandoned and hated; no one has passed through you. But now I will make you a source of everlasting pride, a joy for all generations.
    Isaiah 60:15 GW

  13. I will bring gold instead of bronze. I will bring silver instead of iron, bronze instead of wood, and iron instead of stone. I will appoint peace as your governor and righteousness as your ruler. No longer will you hear about violence in your land or desolation and destruction within your borders. You will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.
    Isaiah 60:17‭-‬18 GW

  14. The sun will no longer be your light during the day, nor will the brightness of the moon give you light, But the Lord will be your everlasting light. Your God will be your glory. Your sun will no longer go down, nor will your moon disappear. The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sadness will be over.
    Isaiah 60:19‭-‬20 GW

  15. Then all your people will be righteous, and they will possess the land permanently. They will be the seedling I have planted, the honored work of my hands. The smallest of them will become a family. The weakest of them will become a mighty nation. At the right time I, the Lord, will make it happen quickly.”
    Isaiah 60:21‭-‬22 GW

  16. Your acts of compassion are many in number, O Lord. Give me a new life guided by your regulations.
    Psalms 119:156 GW

  17. See how I have loved your guiding principles! O Lord, in keeping with your mercy, give me a new life.
    Psalms 119:159 GW

  18. I hate lying; I am disgusted with it. I love your teachings.
    Psalms 119:163 GW

  19. Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous regulations.
    Psalms 119:164 GW

  20. There is lasting peace for those who love your teachings. Nothing can make those people stumble.
    Psalms 119:165 GW

  21. I have followed your guiding principles and your written instructions, because my whole life is in front of you.
    Psalms 119:168 GW
